
Borderlands 2 legendary class mods
Borderlands 2 legendary class mods

As you work your way through Borderlands 3, you’ve likely come across a handful of class mods… Plus, with Teleport, glide across Pandora as gracefully as ClapTrap, if he had grace. For Borderlands 1, maximum bonus was +4/3/3, making maximum level for single skill 9. To get right to the point, there are three key methods you can use to farm up a healthy supply of class mods… This class mod is great for shotgun builds on Zero. Like other Legendary Class Mods, the Legendary Mechromancer can boost each skill with up to 1, 3, or 5 additional Points. Borderlands 2 class mods Showing 1-5 of 5 comments.

Borderlands 2 legendary class mods