Just follow the same path you took to reach the summit with the first Power Star. He will challenge you to a race to the top of the mountain. Head over and talk to Koopa the Quick, he’s right near the start so you can’t miss him. Bob-omb Battlefield Star 2: Footrace with Koopa the Quick Make sure to not throw him off the mountain at any point or else you’ll need to restart the fight. Once you reach Big Bob-omb you’ll then need to grab him from behind and throw him three times. Make your way to the top of the mountain avoiding the likes of the giant chain chomp, falling water bombs and rolling balls along the way.

With the block in position, use it to jump and reach the !-Blocks and earn the third secret. Push the block under the !-Block (pushing the block earns you the third secret). You'll find the third !-Block right next to the wall and a pushable block to the right of it. With most of the water gone, turn around and run toward the wall (stay on the floor of the pool), then turn right to head to the far end of the course. Hit it to drop the water level to its lowest point. You'll find a diamond water switch in the corner on the floor of the pool. Drop back down into the water and swim under the spiral walkway. Backflip to the top of the pillar and hit the second !-Block. Drop down to the floor below (the area that's at the top of the gray spiral), and to the left, you'll see a stone pillar that's being circled by an electric Amp enemy. The second !-Block you need to hit is nearby.